sahagin的隐藏的[The Sahagin's Stash] - Outlands Quests
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 510人看过
开始NPC :laisrean - NORG(H-7) Laisrean - Norg (H-7)
要求 :tenshodo声誉4airship通过kazhamjob 5级+ Tenshodo Reputation 4Airship pass for KazhamJob level 5+
所需物品 :银beastcoinsea蛇雕像 Silver BeastcoinSea Serpent Statue
授予称号 :宝库洗劫 Treasure-House Ransacker
可重复的 :没有 No
Scroll of Utsusemi: Ichi
Speak to Laisrean, behind the two shopkeepers at (H-7) in Norg.
Head to the Silver Door.
Exit Norg and make your way to the door marked B.
Refer to the maps on the right.
Head to the area marked F. The arrow indicates that you can only go one way here. Once you drop down, you can't go back the same way.
Once you've dropped down, continue along the path to the door in the southeast marked G.
If you haven't done so before, you must examine the door 6 times; the description changes each time. Eventually you receive a message saying "you see something silver glittering around the indentation" in the door.
贸易银beastcoin到门口通过点G在地图# 2。
Trade a Silver Beastcoin to the door to pass through to point G on Map #2.
You get to keep the Silver Beastcoin; it isn't removed from your inventory.
From here, follow the tunnel until you arrive at the cliff (H-8).
一旦你掉下悬崖,沿着这隧道的门(H / 5)。
Once you've dropped down the cliff, follow this tunnel to the door at (H-4/5).
检查 ????在(H-3)一幕在您收到< IMG srcurl =“ = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>海蛇雕像从任。
Examine the ??? at (H-3) for a cutscene where you receive the <img srcurl="" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Sea Serpent Statue from Ren.
如果你想回到NORG步行从这一点出发,前往K图# 2,使你在地图# 1 K。从这里,这是一个简单的走到B然后回到NORG。
If you wish to return to Norg on foot from this point, travel to K on Map #2, which brings you to K on Map #1. From here it's a simple walk back to B and then back into Norg.
You may prefer to bring some form of Warp or Escape to avoid backtracking through Sea Serpent Grotto.
Take the statue back to Laisrean to receive a scroll of Utsusemi: Ichi.
For a different map, see here.
如果你想回到NORG步行从这一点出发,前往K图# 2,使你在地图# 1 K。从这里,这是一个简单的走到B然后回到NORG。
If you wish to return to Norg on foot from this point, travel to K on Map #2, which brings you to K on Map #1. From here it's a simple walk back to B and then back into Norg.
You may prefer to bring some form of Warp or Escape to avoid backtracking through Sea Serpent Grotto.
Every monster in this area detects by sound, so some form of Sneak is necessary if you are low-leveled. Silent Oils work, but Circumspection (5 Tabs for Sneak/Invisible effects) from the Grounds Tome outside Norg should be sufficient. There is a second Grounds Tome at the Silver Beastcoin door, halfway to the quest destination; you can cancel and repurchase Circumspection to renew the duration. Invisible is not necessary.
At level 63 there are easy prey monsters near the end that are just low enough not to aggro.
提高这个任务你的名声最流行的方式是用212的项链完成任务mihgo的朋友,或者见不得人的探索与~ 104矿。
The most popular way to raise your fame for this quest is to complete the quest Mihgo's Amigo with 212 necklaces, or the Shady Business quest with ~104 ores.
一种方法来检查你的名声不易去易是与ghebi damomohe海王星的尖顶检查汤圆的价格。如果汤圆的价格是150g或更低,你应该有足够的声望任务(汤圆的价格可能有点不同)。(然而,名誉页声明155或更低)。
A way to check your Norg fame without travelling to Norg is to check the price of Rice Balls with Ghebi Damomohe in Neptune's Spire. If the price of the Rice Balls are 150g or lower, you should have sufficient reputation for this quest (prices for Rice Balls may vary a little). (However, the Reputation page claims 155 or lower).
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At level 63 there are easy prey monsters near the end that are just low enough not to aggro.
一种方法来检查你的名声不易去易是与ghebi damomohe海王星的尖顶检查汤圆的价格。如果汤圆的价格是150g或更低,你应该有足够的声望任务(汤圆的价格可能有点不同)。(然而,名誉页声明155或更低)。
A way to check your Norg fame without travelling to Norg is to check the price of Rice Balls with Ghebi Damomohe in Neptune's Spire. If the price of the Rice Balls are 150g or lower, you should have sufficient reputation for this quest (prices for Rice Balls may vary a little). (However, the Reputation page claims 155 or lower).
要求 :tenshodo声誉4airship通过kazhamjob 5级+ Tenshodo Reputation 4Airship pass for KazhamJob level 5+
所需物品 :银beastcoinsea蛇雕像 Silver BeastcoinSea Serpent Statue
授予称号 :宝库洗劫 Treasure-House Ransacker
可重复的 :没有 No
Scroll of Utsusemi: Ichi
Speak to Laisrean, behind the two shopkeepers at (H-7) in Norg.
Head to the Silver Door.
Exit Norg and make your way to the door marked B.
Refer to the maps on the right.
Head to the area marked F. The arrow indicates that you can only go one way here. Once you drop down, you can't go back the same way.
Once you've dropped down, continue along the path to the door in the southeast marked G.
If you haven't done so before, you must examine the door 6 times; the description changes each time. Eventually you receive a message saying "you see something silver glittering around the indentation" in the door.
贸易银beastcoin到门口通过点G在地图# 2。
Trade a Silver Beastcoin to the door to pass through to point G on Map #2.
You get to keep the Silver Beastcoin; it isn't removed from your inventory.
From here, follow the tunnel until you arrive at the cliff (H-8).
一旦你掉下悬崖,沿着这隧道的门(H / 5)。
Once you've dropped down the cliff, follow this tunnel to the door at (H-4/5).
检查 ????在(H-3)一幕在您收到< IMG srcurl =“ = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>海蛇雕像从任。
Examine the ??? at (H-3) for a cutscene where you receive the <img srcurl="" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Sea Serpent Statue from Ren.
如果你想回到NORG步行从这一点出发,前往K图# 2,使你在地图# 1 K。从这里,这是一个简单的走到B然后回到NORG。
If you wish to return to Norg on foot from this point, travel to K on Map #2, which brings you to K on Map #1. From here it's a simple walk back to B and then back into Norg.
You may prefer to bring some form of Warp or Escape to avoid backtracking through Sea Serpent Grotto.
Take the statue back to Laisrean to receive a scroll of Utsusemi: Ichi.
For a different map, see here.
如果你想回到NORG步行从这一点出发,前往K图# 2,使你在地图# 1 K。从这里,这是一个简单的走到B然后回到NORG。
If you wish to return to Norg on foot from this point, travel to K on Map #2, which brings you to K on Map #1. From here it's a simple walk back to B and then back into Norg.
You may prefer to bring some form of Warp or Escape to avoid backtracking through Sea Serpent Grotto.
Every monster in this area detects by sound, so some form of Sneak is necessary if you are low-leveled. Silent Oils work, but Circumspection (5 Tabs for Sneak/Invisible effects) from the Grounds Tome outside Norg should be sufficient. There is a second Grounds Tome at the Silver Beastcoin door, halfway to the quest destination; you can cancel and repurchase Circumspection to renew the duration. Invisible is not necessary.
At level 63 there are easy prey monsters near the end that are just low enough not to aggro.
提高这个任务你的名声最流行的方式是用212的项链完成任务mihgo的朋友,或者见不得人的探索与~ 104矿。
The most popular way to raise your fame for this quest is to complete the quest Mihgo's Amigo with 212 necklaces, or the Shady Business quest with ~104 ores.
一种方法来检查你的名声不易去易是与ghebi damomohe海王星的尖顶检查汤圆的价格。如果汤圆的价格是150g或更低,你应该有足够的声望任务(汤圆的价格可能有点不同)。(然而,名誉页声明155或更低)。
A way to check your Norg fame without travelling to Norg is to check the price of Rice Balls with Ghebi Damomohe in Neptune's Spire. If the price of the Rice Balls are 150g or lower, you should have sufficient reputation for this quest (prices for Rice Balls may vary a little). (However, the Reputation page claims 155 or lower).
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At level 63 there are easy prey monsters near the end that are just low enough not to aggro.
一种方法来检查你的名声不易去易是与ghebi damomohe海王星的尖顶检查汤圆的价格。如果汤圆的价格是150g或更低,你应该有足够的声望任务(汤圆的价格可能有点不同)。(然而,名誉页声明155或更低)。
A way to check your Norg fame without travelling to Norg is to check the price of Rice Balls with Ghebi Damomohe in Neptune's Spire. If the price of the Rice Balls are 150g or lower, you should have sufficient reputation for this quest (prices for Rice Balls may vary a little). (However, the Reputation page claims 155 or lower).