烤箱的秘密丢失[Secrets of Ovens Lost] - Other Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 265人看过
开始NPCjonette -地下壕(g-9) Jonette - Tavnazian Safehold (G-9)

要求链promathia;访问神龛 Chains of Promathia; access to Sacrarium

所需物品可选:青铜钥匙(如果你在phomiuna渡槽;做任务只需要也可以如果你的主要工作是将小偷用小偷的工具) Optional:Bronze Key(Only needed if you do the quest in Phomiuna Aqueducts; can also use Thief's Tools if your main job is set to Thief)

可重复的每一次征服 Once per conquest Tally

奖励从miratete页的回忆录 Page from Miratete's Memoirs


Speak with Despachiaire at (K-10) on the top floor of the Tavnazian Safehold for an initial cutscene.

Despachiaire is behind the Walnut Door at K-9.
Next, go to Jonette at (G-9) on the middle floor of the Tavnazian Safehold to receive the quest.

The cookbook that she seeks can be found in one of four rooms in the Sacrarium or one of four rooms in Phomiuna Aqueducts.

Despachiaire is behind the Walnut Door at K-9.
一个 ????会出现在一个书架的背面(不要与 困惑????在桌上)在四角房(5,5,直-11,F-11)。在选择 ????你将收到一个tavnazian食谱(重点项目)。
A ??? will appear on the backside of a bookshelf (not to be confused with the ??? on the desks) in the four corner rooms (H-5, F-5, H-11, F-11). Upon selecting the ??? you will receive a Tavnazian Cookbook (Key Item).

的 ????停留在每个房间整整10地球时间(4h10m游戏时间),然后消失,10秒地球时间(4m10s游戏时间)出现在隔壁房间之前。因此,它是可以检查所有四个房间,并错过了它,因为这很短的时间内走了。
The ??? stays in each room for exactly 10min Earth time (4h10m game time) and will then disappear for 10sec Earth time (4m10s game time) before appearing in the next room. Thus it is possible to check all four rooms and miss it because of this short period of being gone.
运动模式是NE(5)-> NW(F-5)-> SE(H-11)-> SW(F-11)-> NE(5)等。
The pattern of movement is NE (H-5) -> NW (F-5) -> SE (H-11) -> SW (F-11) -> NE (H-5) and so on in that order.

Option 2: Phomiuna Aqueducts
The cookbook can be found in one of the four libraries in Phomiuna Aqueducts (map 3).

的 ????对关键项目之间旋转的房间(F-7),(F-9),(J-7),(J-9)。
The ??? for the key item rotates between the rooms at (F-7), (F-9), (J-7), (J-9).
The third map is comprised of two completely distinct areas that are not connected. You must climb up different ladders to reach each section.

时间 ????在到达房间似乎是10分钟,像神龛。
The time the ??? spends in reach room seems to be 10 minutes, like in Sacrarium.
You will need a Bronze Key from the Fomors in the Aqueducts or some Thief's Tools with your main job set as Thief to get past a locked gate to reach the third map of Phomiuna Aqueducts.

可能达到的 ????在歼7和F-9位置,走相同的路径在遥远的信念(使用青铜钥匙在(G8)第二地图,然后爬上梯子(E-8)。
To reach the possible ??? locations at F-7 and F-9, go the same path as in Distant Beliefs (Use Bronze Key at (G-8) of the second map, then climb the ladder at (E-8).
可能达到的 ????地点(J-7)和(J-9),使用青铜钥匙(J-6)第二地图,爬上梯子在(M-8)。
To reach the possible ??? locations at (J-7) and (J-9), use a Bronze Key at (J-6) of the second map and climb the ladder at (M-8).

This path is much shorter.

Take the Tavnazian Cookbook back to Jonette in the Tavnazian Safehold for your reward.

Note: If you started Promathia Mission 5-3 by talking to Cid you can't start this quest until you have reached a certain point in the mission.
Note: If you have already done the quest once, to repeat just talk to Jonette and she will thank you and ask you to bring any other cookbooks you find to her. That will re-activate the quest in your log.

