最聪明的生存[Survival of the Wisest] - Other Quests
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 455人看过
开始NPC :舒尔茨教授xarcabard(八国集团) Professor Schultz - Xarcabard (G-8)
要求 :学者级66 +完成神器任务 Scholar Level 66+ Finished Artifact Quests
所需物品 :学者证言 Scholar's Testimony
授予称号 :魔法书的人 Grimoire Bearer
可重复的 :没有 No
Level Cap at 75Scroll of Instant Warp
Zone into present-day Xarcabard on Scholar level 66 or higher for a cutscene. You need to have all Scholar Artifact quests completed to receive the cutscene and begin this quest.
You have to until game day change after completing the previous quest in order to get this cutscene in Xarcabard.
Obtain a Scholar's Testimony from Orcs in East Ronfaure (S) or the The Eldieme Necropolis (S). The Orcs in East Ronfaure (S) are weaker and respawn in only 5 minutes (as opposed to 15 minutes in Eldieme), and they are easier to reach.
Trade the Scholar's Testimony to the Indescript Markings at (G-8)/(H-8) in present-day Xarcabard and you will be transported to the Throne Room.
Touch the door to the Throne Room for another cutscene.
Trade the Scholar's Testimony to the Throne Room to enter the battlefield. Your testimony will begin to wear and will be rendered unusable after 2 more attempts, and will remain in your inventory with no apparent changes. If you fail the battle 3 times, be sure to drop this unusable testimony before attempting to acquire another. They are Rare, so you can only have one in your inventory at a time.
You will enter a battle against Gunther and the Crimson Grimoire. You have 10 minutes to defeat Gunther. It is not necessary to defeat the Crimson Grimoire to win.
In the event that you are knocked unconscious during the fight, you will NOT lose EXP if you have not completed another level 71 limit break. However, if you have completed a level 71 limit break quest on another job, you WILL lose EXP.
Game Description
You have to until game day change after completing the previous quest in order to get this cutscene in Xarcabard.
要求 :学者级66 +完成神器任务 Scholar Level 66+ Finished Artifact Quests
所需物品 :学者证言 Scholar's Testimony
授予称号 :魔法书的人 Grimoire Bearer
可重复的 :没有 No
Level Cap at 75Scroll of Instant Warp
Zone into present-day Xarcabard on Scholar level 66 or higher for a cutscene. You need to have all Scholar Artifact quests completed to receive the cutscene and begin this quest.
You have to until game day change after completing the previous quest in order to get this cutscene in Xarcabard.
Obtain a Scholar's Testimony from Orcs in East Ronfaure (S) or the The Eldieme Necropolis (S). The Orcs in East Ronfaure (S) are weaker and respawn in only 5 minutes (as opposed to 15 minutes in Eldieme), and they are easier to reach.
Trade the Scholar's Testimony to the Indescript Markings at (G-8)/(H-8) in present-day Xarcabard and you will be transported to the Throne Room.
Touch the door to the Throne Room for another cutscene.
Trade the Scholar's Testimony to the Throne Room to enter the battlefield. Your testimony will begin to wear and will be rendered unusable after 2 more attempts, and will remain in your inventory with no apparent changes. If you fail the battle 3 times, be sure to drop this unusable testimony before attempting to acquire another. They are Rare, so you can only have one in your inventory at a time.
You will enter a battle against Gunther and the Crimson Grimoire. You have 10 minutes to defeat Gunther. It is not necessary to defeat the Crimson Grimoire to win.
In the event that you are knocked unconscious during the fight, you will NOT lose EXP if you have not completed another level 71 limit break. However, if you have completed a level 71 limit break quest on another job, you WILL lose EXP.
Game Description
You have to until game day change after completing the previous quest in order to get this cutscene in Xarcabard.