揭开神话(小偷)[Unlocking a Myth (Thief)] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 197人看过
开始NPCzalsuhm - Lower Jeuno(H-9) Zalsuhm - Lower Jeuno (H-9)

要求热泵urhganthief 75级+的宝藏 Treasures of Aht UrhganThief Level 75+

所需物品swordbreakerrunic盘 SwordbreakerRunic Disc

可重复的没有 No

奖励苯乙醇刺的武器技能 Mandalic Stab Weapon Skill


Talk to Zalsuhm in Muckvix's Junk Shop with your Swordbreaker from Nyzul Isle equipped for a cutscene.

Only the base weapon is required; no upgrades or progress along the Arms of Balrahn questline is required.
The weapon must be equipped in your main hand to activate the cutscene.

If you choose the wrong answer (saying something like "He has shifty eyes...") he will get angry and you will not start the quest. Zone out and come back again for another chance.
Accumulate 250 Weapon Skill Points on your Swordbreaker.

The Nyzul weapon MUST be equipped in Main Hand to get weapon skill credit!
Regardless of Nyzul Isle Investigation progress, only 250 Weapon Skill Points are needed to complete any Unlocking a Myth quest as of July 2014.

Once you have acquired enough Weapon Skill points, you will see Mandalic Stab available under your list of weapon skills, but only while your Swordbreaker is still equipped. There will be no message in the chat log informing you of this; it will simply appear in the list.
Return and trade your unlocked weapon to Zalsuhm. This fully unlocks Mandalic Stab for use with any Dagger (as Thief).

Progress Hints
Only the base weapon is required; no upgrades or progress along the Arms of Balrahn questline is required.

The weapon must be equipped in your main hand to activate the cutscene.
If you choose the wrong answer (saying something like "He has shifty eyes...") he will get angry and you will not start the quest. Zone out and come back again for another chance.


The Nyzul weapon MUST be equipped in Main Hand to get weapon skill credit!

Regardless of Nyzul Isle Investigation progress, only 250 Weapon Skill Points are needed to complete any Unlocking a Myth quest as of July 2014.
If you want to check your progress, return to Zalsuhm and trade the weapon. The messages he gives you indicate your progress toward unlocking the Weapon Skill:

You have accumulated 0~49 Weapon Skill Points:
"I sense only a mote of energy p-p-present. You still have a long way to go, it seems."

You have accumulated 0~49 Weapon Skill Points:
"I sense only a mote of energy p-p-present. You still have a long way to go, it seems."

You have accumulated more than 50 Weapon Skill Points, but less than 201 Weapon Skill Points.
"Aaah, yes... I can feel a marked increase in energy compared to when I first held it. Keep up the good w-w-work, hee hee hee..."


"Aaah, yes... I can feel a marked increase in energy compared to when I first held it. Keep up the good w-w-work, hee hee hee..."

You have accumulated more than 50 Weapon Skill Points, but less than 201 Weapon Skill Points.
"Aaah, yes... I can feel a marked increase in energy compared to when I first held it. Keep up the good w-w-work, hee hee hee..."

You have 201 to 249 Weapon Skill Points:
"The energy is threatening to burst forth. It won't be long now, hee hee hee..."

You have 201 to 249 Weapon Skill Points:
"The energy is threatening to burst forth. It won't be long now, hee hee hee..."

You accumulated all 250 Weapon Skill Points and can see the weapon skill in your menu when you have the Nyzul weapon equipped:
"You've done it! Energy is overflowing as though the floodgates have burst open!"

