同志的冲突[Clash of the Comrades] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 184人看过
开始NPCLUTO mewrilah - Upper Jeuno(八国集团) Luto Mewrilah  - Upper Jeuno (G-8)

要求开始NPC61级以上 NPC Level 61+

授予称号研究员强化剂 Fellow Fortifier

可重复的没有 No

奖励提高等级上限至70冒险的家伙 Raises Adventuring Fellow Level Cap to 70


跟LUTO在Upper Jeuno mewrilah一幕。
Speak to Luto Mewrilah in Upper Jeuno for a cutscene.

You may receive a cutscene that involves someone wishing to write a story about your adventures with your fellow.  If you receive this cutscene, travel to Ru'Lude Gardens and speak to Ajahkeem near the Rendezvous Point to quickly finish the quest.  This quest is to enable the use of 'Fellow Points', and has nothing to do with the level cap quest.  Talk to Luto again to receive the proper cutscene to trigger Clash of the Comrades.
如果LUTO mewrilah不会给你的动画,确保你的信号珍珠装备再和她说话。
If Luto Mewrilah will not give you the cutscene, make sure your Signal Pearl is equipped and talk to her again.

一旦你已经收到的场景一头与你一同战斗,头在fei'yin qu'bia竞技场。
Once you have received the cutscene involving a head-to-head battle with your fellow, head to Qu'Bia Arena in Fei'Yin.
This is a 10 minute uncapped BCNM solo fight in which you will not lose experience points if you are knocked out while participating.

All buffs are removed upon entering the BCNM.
Despite it being uncapped, Automatons are dismissed upon entering. If attempting this fight as Puppetmaster, be sure to Deactivate or have your Activate timer ready before entering.

TP is reset upon entering the BCNM.
If you bring Reraise and die outside of aggro range, you can get up and heal. Your NPC does not regen HP.

Unlike the Maat fight, your fellow will engage you as soon as you are within range.  If you come within range, your fellow will not wait for you to make the first move.
But, like the Maat fight, your fellow will give up at approximately a similar HP percentage.


You may receive a cutscene that involves someone wishing to write a story about your adventures with your fellow.  If you receive this cutscene, travel to Ru'Lude Gardens and speak to Ajahkeem near the Rendezvous Point to quickly finish the quest.  This quest is to enable the use of 'Fellow Points', and has nothing to do with the level cap quest.  Talk to Luto again to receive the proper cutscene to trigger Clash of the Comrades.

如果LUTO mewrilah不会给你的动画,确保你的信号珍珠装备再和她说话。
If Luto Mewrilah will not give you the cutscene, make sure your Signal Pearl is equipped and talk to her again.
Based on the discoveries made here: Clash of the Comrades/Fellow Job, one can deduce that the fellow's job and subjob are based on the player's current job&subjob:

If your job/subjob is BST, DRG, SMN or PUP, then your Fellow's job/subjob will be Beastmaster.
If your job/subjob is WAR, DRK, RNG, SAM or NIN, then your Fellow's job/subjob will be Ninja.

If your job/subjob is MNK, PLD, BRD, BLU, COR or DNC, then your Fellow's job/subjob will be Paladin.
If your job/subjob is WHM, BLM, RDM, THF or SCH, then your Fellow's job/subjob will be Red Mage.

No data exists so far for Rune Fencer nor Geomancer.
玩家应该发挥作为一个组合的2工作,会给人同样的工作(在战争/ NIN导致您/您),然后会有一个黑魔导士子的家伙
Should a player play as a combination of 2 jobs that would give the Fellow the same job (as in war/nin resulting in nin/nin) , then the Fellow will have a Black Mage sub.

Read the stories of people who have already attempted or completed this quest:

