兽王的路径[Path of the Beastmaster] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 97人看过
开始NPC布鲁图斯- Upper Jeuno(G-7) Brutus - Upper Jeuno (G-7)

要求等级30 +拯救我的儿子 Level 30+Save My Son

授予称号动物培训师 Animal Trainer

可重复的没有 No

奖励兽王的工作 Beastmaster Job


完成拯救我的儿子后,跟布鲁图斯在Upper Jeuno的陆行鸟的马厩。
After completing Save My Son, talk to Brutus in the Chocobo Stables of Upper Jeuno.

If you activate the Chocobo on the Loose! quest doing this, talk to Brutus, then talk to the boy near the steps who is caring for the chocobo, then talk to Brutus again. This will bypass Chocobo on the Loose! and allow you to complete Path of the Beastmaster.
Beastmaster will appear in your job list after you zone.

Game Description
If you activate the Chocobo on the Loose! quest doing this, talk to Brutus, then talk to the boy near the steps who is caring for the chocobo, then talk to Brutus again. This will bypass Chocobo on the Loose! and allow you to complete Path of the Beastmaster.

