垃圾日[Rubbish Day] - Jeuno Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 94人看过
开始NPC :chululu - Lower Jeuno I-8 Chululu - Lower Jeuno I-8
要求 :chululu Jeuno声誉4算命在三个不同的比赛日 Jeuno Reputation 4Have Chululu tell your fortune on three separate game days
所需物品 :< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>魔术trashgarlaige keyrecommended:< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋 <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Magic TrashGarlaige KeyRecommended:<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones
授予称号 :清道夫 Street Sweeper
可重复的 :没有 No
6000 gilchain项链
6000 gilChain Choker
Consider completing the quest Making Amens! at the same time as it requires visiting the Incinerator room as well.
如果只为sleepga II任务做这个任务,做返的同时追求是明智的,因为任务有3比赛日的等待期。
If doing this quest only for the Sleepga II quest, it is wise to do the Never to Return quest at the same time, as both quests have a 3 game day waiting period.
After completing Collect Tarut Cards, have Chululu test your compatibility on three different game days (you don't have to wait an hour; just wait until a new game day). To test compatibility, input the name of any character within the area as the password. It can be the same person three times.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
Speak to her on a fourth game day to receive this quest.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
The Quest
chululu给你一些< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>魔术垃圾带在garlaige城堡焚烧炉。
Chululu gives you some <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Magic Trash to take to the Incinerator in Garlaige Citadel.
To get to the Incinerator, each character who wishes to enter the Crematory Hatch (a door) needs a Garlaige Key (Rare/Ex), which can be obtained from Fallen Evacuees in Garlaige Citadel. There are 3 small rooms on the first map with 2 Evacuees in each.
Thieves cannot use Thief's Tools or Skeleton Key to open the Crematory Hatch.
确保你得到< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋(G8)在城堡的第一个地图除非你有至少4个字符可用打开大门#驱逐1和2 #。
Ensure that you have obtained the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones at (G-8) on the first map of the citadel unless you have least 4 characters available to open the Banishing Gates #1 and #2.
或者,您可以使用石松(NPC)的花经,但这个过程是长期的、复杂的,而不再需要与< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋。
Alternatively, you can use the Lycopodium (NPC)'s flower warp, but the process is long and complex, and no longer necessary with the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones.
Thieves cannot use Thief's Tools or Skeleton Key to open the Crematory Hatch.
After completing Collect Tarut Cards, have Chululu test your compatibility on three different game days (you don't have to wait an hour; just wait until a new game day). To test compatibility, input the name of any character within the area as the password. It can be the same person three times.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
Speak to her on a fourth game day to receive this quest.
或者,您可以使用石松(NPC)的花经,但这个过程是长期的、复杂的,而不再需要与< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋。
Alternatively, you can use the Lycopodium (NPC)'s flower warp, but the process is long and complex, and no longer necessary with the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones.
< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/8/8d/incinerator.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?CB = 20100703052554”alt=“焚烧”class=“thumbimage”数据图像关键=“焚烧”。JPG图像数据名称=“焚烧。JPG”width=“180”height=“108”>焚烧炉
<img srcurl="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/8/8d/Incinerator.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20100703052554" alt="Incinerator" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Incinerator.jpg" data-image-name="Incinerator.jpg" width="180" height="108" > The Incinerator
获取密钥后,进行驱逐门# 1(9)的第一张图。
After obtaining the key, proceed through the Banishing Gate #1 at (I-9) of the first map.
下一步,进行第二驱逐门# 2(-10)第二地图。
Next, proceed through the Second Banishing Gate #2 at (H-10) of the second map.
一旦过去# 2门,去(I-7)上找到火葬场的孵化,导致进入焚烧炉室第三地图(你可以通过拖拉机人火葬场孵化如果需要牵引的人)通过门不工作,mashira不会回应你,除非你进入焚烧炉室采用garlaige关键。你们每个人都必须获得自己的钥匙来完成这一部分。
Once past Gate #2, go to (I-7) on the third map to find the Crematory Hatch that leads into the Incinerator room (You can tractor someone through the Crematory Hatch if needed) Tractoring someone through the door does not work, Mashira will not respond to you unless you entered the Incinerator room by using a Garlaige key. Everyone in your party must obtain their own key to complete this part.
Speak with Mashira and ask about the trash. (note that you will likely have 2 options upo
要求 :chululu Jeuno声誉4算命在三个不同的比赛日 Jeuno Reputation 4Have Chululu tell your fortune on three separate game days
所需物品 :< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>魔术trashgarlaige keyrecommended:< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋 <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Magic TrashGarlaige KeyRecommended:<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones
授予称号 :清道夫 Street Sweeper
可重复的 :没有 No
6000 gilchain项链
6000 gilChain Choker
Consider completing the quest Making Amens! at the same time as it requires visiting the Incinerator room as well.
如果只为sleepga II任务做这个任务,做返的同时追求是明智的,因为任务有3比赛日的等待期。
If doing this quest only for the Sleepga II quest, it is wise to do the Never to Return quest at the same time, as both quests have a 3 game day waiting period.
After completing Collect Tarut Cards, have Chululu test your compatibility on three different game days (you don't have to wait an hour; just wait until a new game day). To test compatibility, input the name of any character within the area as the password. It can be the same person three times.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
Speak to her on a fourth game day to receive this quest.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
The Quest
chululu给你一些< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>魔术垃圾带在garlaige城堡焚烧炉。
Chululu gives you some <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Magic Trash to take to the Incinerator in Garlaige Citadel.
To get to the Incinerator, each character who wishes to enter the Crematory Hatch (a door) needs a Garlaige Key (Rare/Ex), which can be obtained from Fallen Evacuees in Garlaige Citadel. There are 3 small rooms on the first map with 2 Evacuees in each.
Thieves cannot use Thief's Tools or Skeleton Key to open the Crematory Hatch.
确保你得到< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋(G8)在城堡的第一个地图除非你有至少4个字符可用打开大门#驱逐1和2 #。
Ensure that you have obtained the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones at (G-8) on the first map of the citadel unless you have least 4 characters available to open the Banishing Gates #1 and #2.
或者,您可以使用石松(NPC)的花经,但这个过程是长期的、复杂的,而不再需要与< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋。
Alternatively, you can use the Lycopodium (NPC)'s flower warp, but the process is long and complex, and no longer necessary with the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones.
Thieves cannot use Thief's Tools or Skeleton Key to open the Crematory Hatch.
After completing Collect Tarut Cards, have Chululu test your compatibility on three different game days (you don't have to wait an hour; just wait until a new game day). To test compatibility, input the name of any character within the area as the password. It can be the same person three times.
Enter the name exactly as it is in-game, with the first letter capitalized.
Speak to her on a fourth game day to receive this quest.
或者,您可以使用石松(NPC)的花经,但这个过程是长期的、复杂的,而不再需要与< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权宝石袋。
Alternatively, you can use the Lycopodium (NPC)'s flower warp, but the process is long and complex, and no longer necessary with the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >ouch of weighted stones.
< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/8/8d/incinerator.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?CB = 20100703052554”alt=“焚烧”class=“thumbimage”数据图像关键=“焚烧”。JPG图像数据名称=“焚烧。JPG”width=“180”height=“108”>焚烧炉
<img srcurl="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/8/8d/Incinerator.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20100703052554" alt="Incinerator" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Incinerator.jpg" data-image-name="Incinerator.jpg" width="180" height="108" > The Incinerator
获取密钥后,进行驱逐门# 1(9)的第一张图。
After obtaining the key, proceed through the Banishing Gate #1 at (I-9) of the first map.
下一步,进行第二驱逐门# 2(-10)第二地图。
Next, proceed through the Second Banishing Gate #2 at (H-10) of the second map.
一旦过去# 2门,去(I-7)上找到火葬场的孵化,导致进入焚烧炉室第三地图(你可以通过拖拉机人火葬场孵化如果需要牵引的人)通过门不工作,mashira不会回应你,除非你进入焚烧炉室采用garlaige关键。你们每个人都必须获得自己的钥匙来完成这一部分。
Once past Gate #2, go to (I-7) on the third map to find the Crematory Hatch that leads into the Incinerator room (You can tractor someone through the Crematory Hatch if needed) Tractoring someone through the door does not work, Mashira will not respond to you unless you entered the Incinerator room by using a Garlaige key. Everyone in your party must obtain their own key to complete this part.
Speak with Mashira and ask about the trash. (note that you will likely have 2 options upo