三博士[The Three Magi] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 126人看过
开始NPCchumimi -天堂的塔 Chumimi - Heavens Tower

要求黑法师40 Black Mage 40+

所需物品glowstone Glowstone

授予称号医生形象的支持者;教授附近的莫鲁的支持者;医生Yoran奥兰的支持者 Doctor Shantotto Supporter; Professor Koru-Moru Supporter; Doctor Yoran-Oran Supporter

可重复的是的,通过擦除记忆 Yes, by erasing AF memory


Casting Wand


Head over to Windurst Walls, enter Heavens Tower and head to the right and go down the stairs, until it ends and you see the NPC Chumimi.

Talk to Chumimi and watch a cutscene with Shantotto, Koru-Moru, and Yoran-Oran.
You will be given an option to agree with one. It doesn't matter with whom you agree, as the message "No one paid any attention to you." will be displayed.

When you choose to side with an NPC, you will receive a title from that NPC. e.g. choosing Shantotto will grant you the title "Doctor Shantotto Supporter".
完成任务后,你将能够从burute sorute在温德斯特墙收到其他标题。
After completing the quest, you will be able to receive the other titles from Burute-Sorute in Windurst Walls.

At the end of the cutscene, Shantotto will ask you to go toss a Faded Crystal into the gorge in Xarcabard, and bring back a Glowstone.
As with most AF quests, from this point on no longer need to be Black Mage.

Grab any type of crystal and travel to any Crag (Holla, Mea, or Dem) or any Teleport Crystal (Altepa, Vahzl, Yhoat, Jugner, Pashh, Meriph) and trade the crystal that you have chosen to the teleport crystal to receive a Faded Crystal. Since the fight is in Xarcabard, the teleport crystal there is most convenient.
Travel to Xarcabard and head west to (E-8) and look for two ???. You want the one that's inside the gorge. On the "left", most of the way to the actual entrance of the castle. You do not want the one that's on a cliff with the torch. See the annotated map here for clarity.

可能会有一些妖兵和恶魔骑士在 ????所以要准备战斗,以防万一。
There may be some Demon Pawns and Demon Knights at the ??? so be ready to fight, just in case.
注意:如果你有2个或更多的BLM的 这干什么????保持不变,但有才能的贸易和市瑞普混沌元素一个10分钟的时间限制。
Note: If you are doing this with 2 or more BLM's the ??? stays in place but there is a 10 minute time limit before you can trade and repop the Chaos Elemental.

Trade the Faded Crystal to the ??? and a Chaos Elemental will appear.
You may spawn Chaos Elemental on any job. Any 75 with a weapon can kill Chaos Elemental easily, sub BLM for warp even.

Kill the Chaos Elemental and obtain the Glowstone.
返回到chumimi glowstone,谁会告诉你,你留的铸棒形象。如果你打算接着做下AF对BLM来追求。
Return the Glowstone to Chumimi, who will tell you that Shantotto left the Casting Wand for you. Come on BLM if you intend to do the next AF quest immediately after.

