星击[Star Struck] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 124人看过
开始NPC附近的莫鲁-温德斯特墙(E-7) Koru-Moru - Windurst Walls (E-7)

要求温德斯特声誉1 Windurst Reputation 1

所需物品meteoritetorn书信 MeteoriteTorn Epistle

可重复的没有 No

奖励复眼的小圈 Compound Eye Circlet


To start the quest, kill Savanna Rarabs in West Sarutabaruta until you receive a Torn Epistle.  Koru-Moru will not give you the quest until you have a Torn Epistle in your inventory. You must not have the quest Class Reunion active in order to activate this quest.

To start the quest, kill Savanna Rarabs in West Sarutabaruta until you receive a Torn Epistle.  Koru-Moru will not give you the quest until you have a Torn Epistle in your inventory. You must not have the quest Class Reunion active in order to activate this quest.
Koru-Moru will smell the scent of his beloved in the letter you are carrying and asks for a rough black stone.

Koru-Moru will smell the scent of his beloved in the letter you are carrying and asks for a rough black stone.
Kill crawlers until one drops a meteorite and then bring it back to Koru-Moru and he will give you a reward.

