想知道吟游诗人[Wondering Minstrel] - Windurst Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 127人看过
开始NPC :jatan巴拉旦-温德斯特以北海域(歼10) Jatan-Paratan - Windurst Waters North (F-10)
要求 :温德斯特声誉5 Windurst Reputation 5
所需物品 :红木木材 Rosewood Lumber
授予称号 :下upperer吹笛管 Down Piper Pipe-upperer
可重复的 :没有 No
Faerie Piccolo
Upon talking to Yuli Yaam and Yung Yaam you will find that they have been worried about Jatan-Paratan lately.
Talk to Jatan-Paratan and he'll ask you how you feel about his music. Answer his question. It may take several answers until he will start to talk about the tavern and ask you your opinion. Saying that you don't recall the music (the last possible answer) and then talking to him again should start him talking about the tavern. The quest should now enter your log.
当他问你在酒店的意见,aramu paramu交谈,他也表示他对jatan巴拉旦担忧。
When he asks your opinion on the tavern, talk to Aramu-Paramu, and he will also express his worries about Jatan-Paratan.
你必须寻找有胡子的人提到:鲁斯兰在快乐的吟游诗人meadhouse Lower Jeuno。与他聊天,他告诉你给一个红木木材jatan巴拉旦。
You must seek out the bearded man mentioned: Ruslan in the Merry Minstrel Meadhouse in Lower Jeuno. Chat with him and he tells you to give a Rosewood Lumber to Jatan-Paratan.
Trade a Rosewood Lumber to Jatan-Paratan for a cutscene and your reward.
要求 :温德斯特声誉5 Windurst Reputation 5
所需物品 :红木木材 Rosewood Lumber
授予称号 :下upperer吹笛管 Down Piper Pipe-upperer
可重复的 :没有 No
Faerie Piccolo
Upon talking to Yuli Yaam and Yung Yaam you will find that they have been worried about Jatan-Paratan lately.
Talk to Jatan-Paratan and he'll ask you how you feel about his music. Answer his question. It may take several answers until he will start to talk about the tavern and ask you your opinion. Saying that you don't recall the music (the last possible answer) and then talking to him again should start him talking about the tavern. The quest should now enter your log.
当他问你在酒店的意见,aramu paramu交谈,他也表示他对jatan巴拉旦担忧。
When he asks your opinion on the tavern, talk to Aramu-Paramu, and he will also express his worries about Jatan-Paratan.
你必须寻找有胡子的人提到:鲁斯兰在快乐的吟游诗人meadhouse Lower Jeuno。与他聊天,他告诉你给一个红木木材jatan巴拉旦。
You must seek out the bearded man mentioned: Ruslan in the Merry Minstrel Meadhouse in Lower Jeuno. Chat with him and he tells you to give a Rosewood Lumber to Jatan-Paratan.
Trade a Rosewood Lumber to Jatan-Paratan for a cutscene and your reward.