铲![Scooped!] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 160人看过
开始NPCnaiko paneiko -温德斯特以南海域(烯) Naiko-Paneiko - Windurst Waters South (C-11)

所需物品青铜箱 Bronze Box

可重复的没有 No

奖励1500g 1500g

任务步骤如果你刚刚完成了标题,试着开始这项任务之前的区域。 If you have just completed Making Headlines, zone before attempting to start this quest.

跟naiko paneiko谁解释说,下一个“魔幻乐园周刊》证明复印件被盗。
Talk to Naiko-Paneiko who explains that the next "Magic Paradise Weekly" proof copy was stolen.
可选:茶lebagta BOPA greso在温德斯特伍兹谈的更多信息。
Optional: Talk to Cha Lebagta and Bopa Greso in Windurst Woods for additional information.

贸易naiko paneiko青铜盒。
Trade a Bronze Box to Naiko-Paneiko.
一个可以杀死海洋蟹获得(不是海螃蟹),捞起在船开往茂拉/ selbina。晒衣杆和沙蚕是一个很好的结合。
One can be obtained by killing Ocean Crab (not Sea Crab), fished up while on the Ship bound for Mhaura/Selbina. Clothespole and Lugworm is a good combination for this.


一个可以杀死海洋蟹获得(不是海螃蟹),捞起在船开往茂拉/ selbina。晒衣杆和沙蚕是一个很好的结合。
One can be obtained by killing Ocean Crab (not Sea Crab), fished up while on the Ship bound for Mhaura/Selbina. Clothespole and Lugworm is a good combination for this.

