血签[Signed in Blood] - San d'Oria Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 168人看过
开始NPCsobane南圣多利亚(D-6) Sobane - Southern San d'Oria (D-6)

要求圣多利亚的声誉:3 San d'Oria Reputation: 3

所需物品大教堂tapestryordelle宝箱的钥匙 Cathedral TapestryOrdelle Chest Key

可重复的没有 No

奖励狡猾的earring3500g Cunning Earring3500g


Talk to Sobane, she is willing to give you a quest, but she needs to be able to trust that you'll keep your mouth shut.  She wants you to retrieve a Cathedral Tapestry.

Obtain a Cathedral Tapestry by killing Orcish Fighters in Fort Ghelsba or the Yughott Grotto.
Trade the tapestry to Sobane and she'll explain the next step.

selbina旅行,在那里你会找到你要找的人是找不到。跟市长,阿伯拉尔,@ g-9他会说他不知道你在说什么…但他会提到一些关于他发现的日记,并发现一些关键的页面丢失…如果你帮助他找到他们,他的嘴唇会放松的。
Travel to Selbina, where you will find that the person you are looking for is nowhere to be found.  Talk to the mayor, Abelard, @ G-9 and he'll say he has "no idea" what you're talking about... but he will then mention something about a diary he found, and that some key pages are missing... perhaps his lips will loosen if you help him find them.
Travel to Ordelle's Caves and hunt for an Ordelle Chest Key.  Once you find a key, look for a Treasure Chest and open it.

Only people who have this quest flagged will receive some Torn-Out Pages (key item).
Thief can open chest and receive key item using Thief's Tools, Skeleton Key or Living Key .

This key item takes precedence over the Magical Pattern from The Goblin Tailor RSE quest; if both are active, a character opening the chest will receive this key item first.
Return to Selbina and talk to the mayor.  He'll reveal some information to you which will prove interesting to Sobane.

Return to Sobane to complete this quest and to receive your reward.
Talk to Sobane, she is willing to give you a quest, but she needs to be able to trust that you'll keep your mouth shut.  She wants you to retrieve a Cathedral Tapestry.

Obtain a Cathedral Tapestry by killing Orcish Fighters in Fort Ghelsba or the Yughott Grotto.
Trade the tapestry to Sobane and she'll explain the next step.

selbina旅行,在那里你会找到你要找的人是找不到。跟市长,阿伯拉尔,@ g-9他会说他不知道你在说什么…但他会提到一些关于他发现的日记,并发现一些关键的页面丢失…如果你帮助他找到他们,他的嘴唇会放松的。
Travel to Selbina, where you will find that the person you are looking for is nowhere to be found.  Talk to the mayor, Abelard, @ G-9 and he'll say he has "no idea" what you're talking about... but he will then mention something about a diary he found, and that some key pages are missing... perhaps his lips will loosen if you help him find them.
Travel to Ordelle's Caves and hunt for an Ordelle Chest Key.  Once you find a key, look for a Treasure Chest and open it.

Only people who have this quest flagged will receive some Torn-Out Pages (key item).
Thief can open chest and receive key item using Thief's Tools, Skeleton Key or Living Key .

This key item takes precedence over the Magical Pattern from The Goblin Tailor RSE quest; if both are active, a character opening the chest will receive this key item first.
Return to Selbina and talk to the mayor.  He'll reveal some information to you which will prove interesting to Sobane.

Return to Sobane to complete this quest and to receive your reward.
Only people who have this quest flagged will receive some Torn-Out Pages (key item).

Thief can open chest and receive key item using Thief's Tools, Skeleton Key or Living Key .
This key item takes precedence over the Magical Pattern from The Goblin Tailor RSE quest; if both are active, a character opening the chest will receive this key item first.

End of Dialogue *

