神圣之冠[The Holy Crest] - San d'Oria Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 158人看过
开始NPCceraulian港圣多利亚(9) Ceraulian - Port San d'Oria (I-9)

要求等级30 Level 30

进入城堡d'oraguille Access to Chateau d'Oraguillezilart膨胀起来的 Rise of the Zilart expansion

所需物品pickaxewyvern eggdragon诅咒救济 PickaxeWyvern EggDragon Curse Remedy

授予称号神圣之冠的继承人 Heir to the Holy Crest




Ability to use Dragoon job


Go to Cargo Room A in Port San d'Oria and talk to Arminibit and Ceraulian.

Talk to Novalmauge in Bostaunieux Oubliette (beneath Chateau d'Oraguille).
You will need to be able to get into the Chateau d'Oraguille, and therefore must be Rank 2 if you are from San d'Oria, or at least have started the 2-3 Mission in Windurst or Bastok

Novalmauge patrols between (F-8) to (G-8). If you don't have the map, zone in and follow the hallway south, then turn west.
If you have the Scythe weapon skill quest Souls in Shadow active, you cannot complete this part of the quest until you complete the Scythe of Trials.  Also, it's possible to obtain the Scythe of Trials while talking to Novalmauge to flag Dragoon.  Choose your dialog options carefully.

Talk to Morjean in the manuscript room within the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria. It is on the left as soon as you enter the cathedral.
Buy a pickaxe and head for the Maze of Shakhrami in the Tahrongi Canyon.

Once inside, look for an excavation point (refer to this map for the possible locations of these points).
If your level is only around 30, you may want to have Sneak/Invisible available.

Since a recent update, higher level monsters have been placed in parts of the 2nd map.  It is advisable to bring some form of sneak and invis no matter the level.
Trade your pickaxe to an excavation point to receive a Wyvern Egg.

Return to Morjean, and receive a cutscene where Yachemidot asks you to take the Wyvern Egg to the Meriphataud Mountains.
在drogaroga脊椎的东部边缘,在meriphataud K-8是山????。
On the eastern edge of Drogaroga's Spine in the Meriphataud Mountains at K-8 is a ???.

Trade the Wyvern Egg to the ??? for a cutscene.
Return to the Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Rahal, who is in the Royal Knight's Quarters (on the left as you enter the Chateau).  Rahal will then give you the Dragon Curse Remedy and send you to the Ghelsba Outpost. If you have the quest Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria) active Rahal will berate you for being a mercenary. Simply speak to him again to get the Dragon Curse Remedy.

在ghelsba前哨歼10前往小屋。准备好后,打开与cyranuce M cutauleon进入战场的门。
Travel to the hut at F-10 in Ghelsba Outpost. When ready, open the door to enter a battlefield with Cyranuce M Cutauleon.
Only players with this quest active (including completed prerequisites) or have completed this quest before may enter the battlefield.

This is a six-person, uncapped battlefield (TP and buffs are not lost upon entering).
失败cyranuce M cutauleon完成任务。
Defeat Cyranuce M Cutauleon to complete the quest.

Killable by: Soloable by most jobs at level 30. May need a higher level for mages. Individual experience may vary depending on job/gear/buffs/etc. (see NPC page for testimonials).
You must zone before Dragoon is listed in your jobs category.

Go to Cargo Room A in Port San d'Oria and talk to Arminibit and Ceraulian.
Talk to Novalmauge in Bostaunieux Oubliette (beneath Chateau d'Oraguille).

You will need to be able to get into the Chateau d'Oraguille, and therefore must be Rank 2 if you are from San d'Oria, or at least have started the 2-3 Mission in Windurst or Bastok
Novalmauge patrols between (F-8) to (G-8). If you don't have the map, zone in and follow the hallway south, then turn west.

If you have the Scythe weapon skill quest Souls in Shadow active, you cannot complete this part of the quest until you complete the Scythe of Trials.  Also, it's possible to obtain the Scythe of Trials while talking to Novalmauge to flag Dragoon.  Choose your dialog options carefully.
Talk to Morjean in the manuscript room within the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria. It is on the left as soon as you enter the cathedral.

Buy a pickaxe and head for the Maze of Shakhrami in the Tahrongi Canyon.
Once inside, look for an excavation point (refer to this map for the possible locations of these points).

If your level is only around 30, you may want to have Sneak/Invisible available.
Since a recent update, higher level monsters have been placed in parts of the 2nd map.  It is advisable to bring some form of sneak and invis no matter the level.

Trade your pickaxe to an excavation point to receive a Wyvern Egg.
Return to Morjean, and receive a cutscene where Yachemidot asks you to take the Wyvern Egg to the Meriphataud Mountains.

在drogaroga脊椎的东部边缘,在meriphataud K-8是山????。
On the eastern edge of Drogaroga's Spine in the Meriphataud Mountains at K-8 is a ???.
Trade the Wyvern Egg to the ??? for a cutscene.

Return to the Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Rahal, who is in the Royal Knight's Quarters (on the left as you enter the Chateau).  Rahal will then give you the Dragon Curse Remedy and send you to the Ghelsba Outpost. If you have the quest Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria) active Rahal will berate you for being a mercenary. Simply speak to him again to get the Dragon Curse Remedy.
Travel to the

