购买武器[A Purchase of Arms] - San d'Oria Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 141人看过
开始NPChelbort南圣多利亚(Thalidomide) Helbort - Southern San d'Oria (K-7)

要求圣多利亚的声誉2 San d'Oria Reputation 2

授予称号军火商 Arms Trader

可重复的没有 No

奖励榆树员工 Elm Staff


Helbort needs you to make a delivery for him.

This quest will not be given if you haven't done the quest Father and Son. The first time you talk to Helbort, a cutscene will be shown concerning Exoroche, who is in the same store, and nothing more. Complete Father and Son, then talk to Helbort to receive this quest.
以武器为亚历克修斯(I-6)(湖边)在Jugner Forest谁会给你一个武器的收据。
Take the Weapons Order to Alexius (I-6) (by the lake) in Jugner Forest who will give you a Weapons Receipt.

Return for your reward.

