你极限的重量[The Weight of Your Limits] - Bastok Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 182人看过
开始NPC :铁虎-金属制品(J-8) Iron Eater - Metalworks (J-8)
要求 :能够挥舞斧头的试验lv71great斧技能240 +没有其他追求积极的白沙国家纪念碑 Able to wield Axe of Trials lv71Great Axe Skill 240+No other WSNM quest active
所需物品 :斧的trialsweapon培训导游图的truthannals真理的编年史 Axe of TrialsWeapon Training GuideMap to the Annals of TruthAnnals of Truth
可重复的 :没有 No
奖励 :授予weaponskill钢旋风 Grants the weaponskill Steel Cyclone
跟铁吃金属制品会给你斧头风雨< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>武器训练指南。
Talk to Iron Eater in Metalworks who will give you the Axe of Trials and the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Weapon Training Guide.
Use the Axe of Trials until the latent effect disappears.
How to remove the latent effect:
You must perform Weapon Skills and Skillchains on monsters that check as Easy Prey or higher.
Weapon Skills performed while under Level Sync count.
你收到开/独奏武器技能1点,关闭LV 2点。1 skillchain,关闭LV 3点和5点。2 skillchain关闭一个3级的skillchain。
You receive 1 point for opening/soloing a weapon skill, 2 points for closing a Lv.1 Skillchain, 3 points for closing a Lv.2 Skillchain and 5 points for closing a level 3 skillchain.
You must accumulate 300 total points.
To check to see if the latent effect has disappeared, simply look at your elemental resistances. If you are not receiving the elemental bonus from the Axe of Trials then you have broken the latent. It is NOT necessary to un-equip/re-equip the weapon.
You will not be able to tell if the latent is broken while under the effect of Level Sync. You will not receive the elemental bonuses while Level Sync is in effect. Therefore, you must be unsynced to check.
一旦你不再受到潜在影响的奖金,回到金属制品贸易斧头试验回铁虎谁将武器从你和给你一个< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>图为真理的编年史和告诉你去zi'tah避难所。
Once you no longer receive the latent effect bonus, head back to Metalworks and trade the Axe of Trials back to Iron Eater who will take the weapon from you and give you a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Map to the Annals of Truth and tell you to head to Sanctuary of Zi'Tah.
Once in Sanctuary of Zi'Tah go to F-6 and click the ??? (ignore map's mark, it's just wrong) in the far northwestern corner of the square to spawn the NM named Greenman.
一旦海里死了,重新审视 ????获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>历史真相。如果你带和忘记检查 ????,你会有战斗的格林曼再次获得重点项目。
Once the NM is dead, re-examine the ??? to obtain the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Annals of Truth. If you zone and forget to check the ???, you will have to fight the Greenman again to get the key item.
不止一个人可以从一个单一的战斗增益的关键项目,只要他们检查 ????。
More than one person can gain the key item from a single fight, as long as they check the ???.
Bring this back to Iron Eater for your reward.
要求 :能够挥舞斧头的试验lv71great斧技能240 +没有其他追求积极的白沙国家纪念碑 Able to wield Axe of Trials lv71Great Axe Skill 240+No other WSNM quest active
所需物品 :斧的trialsweapon培训导游图的truthannals真理的编年史 Axe of TrialsWeapon Training GuideMap to the Annals of TruthAnnals of Truth
可重复的 :没有 No
奖励 :授予weaponskill钢旋风 Grants the weaponskill Steel Cyclone
跟铁吃金属制品会给你斧头风雨< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>武器训练指南。
Talk to Iron Eater in Metalworks who will give you the Axe of Trials and the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Weapon Training Guide.
Use the Axe of Trials until the latent effect disappears.
How to remove the latent effect:
You must perform Weapon Skills and Skillchains on monsters that check as Easy Prey or higher.
Weapon Skills performed while under Level Sync count.
你收到开/独奏武器技能1点,关闭LV 2点。1 skillchain,关闭LV 3点和5点。2 skillchain关闭一个3级的skillchain。
You receive 1 point for opening/soloing a weapon skill, 2 points for closing a Lv.1 Skillchain, 3 points for closing a Lv.2 Skillchain and 5 points for closing a level 3 skillchain.
You must accumulate 300 total points.
To check to see if the latent effect has disappeared, simply look at your elemental resistances. If you are not receiving the elemental bonus from the Axe of Trials then you have broken the latent. It is NOT necessary to un-equip/re-equip the weapon.
You will not be able to tell if the latent is broken while under the effect of Level Sync. You will not receive the elemental bonuses while Level Sync is in effect. Therefore, you must be unsynced to check.
一旦你不再受到潜在影响的奖金,回到金属制品贸易斧头试验回铁虎谁将武器从你和给你一个< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>图为真理的编年史和告诉你去zi'tah避难所。
Once you no longer receive the latent effect bonus, head back to Metalworks and trade the Axe of Trials back to Iron Eater who will take the weapon from you and give you a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Map to the Annals of Truth and tell you to head to Sanctuary of Zi'Tah.
Once in Sanctuary of Zi'Tah go to F-6 and click the ??? (ignore map's mark, it's just wrong) in the far northwestern corner of the square to spawn the NM named Greenman.
一旦海里死了,重新审视 ????获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>历史真相。如果你带和忘记检查 ????,你会有战斗的格林曼再次获得重点项目。
Once the NM is dead, re-examine the ??? to obtain the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Annals of Truth. If you zone and forget to check the ???, you will have to fight the Greenman again to get the key item.
不止一个人可以从一个单一的战斗增益的关键项目,只要他们检查 ????。
More than one person can gain the key item from a single fight, as long as they check the ???.
Bring this back to Iron Eater for your reward.