美女与该[Beauty and the Galka] - Bastok Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 192人看过
开始NPC塔利班端口巴斯托克(F-6) Talib - Port Bastok (F-6)

要求巴斯托克声誉1 Bastok Reputation 1

所需物品锌orepalborough矿山日志 Zinc OrePalborough Mines Logs

可重复的没有 No

奖励青铜刀 Bronze Knife


Talk to Talib Downstairs in warehouse 2 for a cutscene where Cornelia asks your help to get a Zinc Ore for her friend Parraggoh and hints that you can get them from monsters in Gustaberg. Accept the quest and Talib will agree to take the ore from you when you get it.

If you decline the quest you can start it by talking to Parraggoh.
(Optional) Talk to Talib again and he explains that Cornelia is making the ore delivery for Parraggoh who was injured and can't do it himself. He also tells you where you can find Parraggoh.

Trade a Zinc Ore to Talib to receive the Palborough Mines Logs.
Talk to Parraggoh at (H-5) in Bastok Mines inside the first house down the ramp to the lower level to complete the quest.

(Optional) After completing The Eleventh's Hour, return to Parraggoh for additional dialoge.
If you decline the quest you can start it by talking to Parraggoh.

