Area — Wajaom Woodlands


Map information

Area nameWajaom Woodlands
RegionMamool Ja Savagelands
Stats Chocobos can enter this area.
You can cast Chocobo Mazurka in this area.
You can cast Tractor in this area.
There are fish in this area.
Attain by Purchase
Weathersingle wind
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Expansion Treasure of Aht Urhgan

Additional navigation information of this area is brought to us by Alananir and Gahoo.

Harvesting points from FinalDoom and Ruey.

Beehive locations from Ruey.

Last modified: 2005/12/07 13:00 PM
Beastmen Flag marker Beastmen Flag
Flag NPC marker Flag NPC
Goblin Footprint marker Goblin Footprint
Treasure Chest marker Treasure Chest
Treasure Coffer marker Treasure Coffer
Excavition Point marker Excavition Points
Mining Points marker Mining Points
Harvesting Points marker Harvesting Points
Logging Points marker Logging Points