Area — Misareaux Coast


Map information

Area nameMisareaux Coast
RegionTavnazian Archipelago
Stats You can cast Chocobo Mazurka in this area.
You can cast Tractor in this area.
There are fish in this area.
Attain by Unforgiven
Weathersingle wind single thunder single dark
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Expansion Chain of Promathia

To go to Riverne - Site #A01 you enter the Delapidated Gate at F7, which leads to an mobless area around D6 where the actual enterence to Riverne - Site #A01 is located.

The ??? at K12 spawns the Bloody Coffin, a crab NM.

Information from: Darwin O'Connor

Last modified: 2005/12/04 14:00 PM
Beastmen Flag marker Beastmen Flag
Flag NPC marker Flag NPC
Goblin Footprint marker Goblin Footprint
Treasure Chest marker Treasure Chest
Treasure Coffer marker Treasure Coffer
Excavition Point marker Excavition Points
Mining Points marker Mining Points
Harvesting Points marker Harvesting Points
Logging Points marker Logging Points